Friday, November 30, 2012

This week we talked about parenting. In the church we are known for being big on roles, in this case, meaning that the women stay at home with the kids and be a homemaker, and the men go to work and provide for the family. Being a stay at home mom is something that I have always dreamed about and been passionate about and it is also one of the reasons that I am studying marriage and family in college. I had a stay at home mom growing up and it meant the world to me to have my mom at home waiting and be able to fulfill her role as a wife and mother to the best of her abilities without having to worry about the income or finances. I want that comfort that I felt at home for my children because it created a home environment that I wanted to be in and come home to everyday. I think it also played a huge part in the spirit that we had in our home. These are things that money cannot buy and that would never out weigh the blessings that come from a mom staying at home, being a wonderful wife, mother, and homemaker. It wasn't something I always saw for myself, I always wanted to work and be a mom and thought that there was nothing wrong with that and that I could make it work. Once I got to college though, my views changed and my want to be a working mom disappeared. I'm glad it did because I realized how much it would impact my kids and I want to focus on nothing but my family and that this was the way Heavenly Father intended it to be. We, in our genders, have roles for a reason and even though we live in an evolving world and culture, God's law and intentions do not change.

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