Friday, November 2, 2012

This week, we only met once so we only had one day to talk about the subject of sexuality. However, it still had a big impact and made me think a lot about how I want to approach this subject with my family in the future. Growing up, our family did not speak anything about sexuality, didn't get "the talk," and it was honestly just an awkward subject that wasn't to be talked about. I want this to be different in my family in the future because our culture today has a very skewed image and interpretation of what sex should be and they plaster their wrong views of it all over the media. It’s in the songs we hear, the shows we watch, and everything we see on the internet. It’s almost impossible to get away from it these days! They teach that it’s all about fun and getting what you want. We know that that is far from the truth. It is about sharing love, becoming one, and being selfless. That is why it is so important to talk to your children about sexuality. Tell them the truth about it so that when they see, hear, and read what the media has to say about it, they know the truth and don’t get wrong ideas in their heads.

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