Friday, November 30, 2012

This week we talked about parenting. In the church we are known for being big on roles, in this case, meaning that the women stay at home with the kids and be a homemaker, and the men go to work and provide for the family. Being a stay at home mom is something that I have always dreamed about and been passionate about and it is also one of the reasons that I am studying marriage and family in college. I had a stay at home mom growing up and it meant the world to me to have my mom at home waiting and be able to fulfill her role as a wife and mother to the best of her abilities without having to worry about the income or finances. I want that comfort that I felt at home for my children because it created a home environment that I wanted to be in and come home to everyday. I think it also played a huge part in the spirit that we had in our home. These are things that money cannot buy and that would never out weigh the blessings that come from a mom staying at home, being a wonderful wife, mother, and homemaker. It wasn't something I always saw for myself, I always wanted to work and be a mom and thought that there was nothing wrong with that and that I could make it work. Once I got to college though, my views changed and my want to be a working mom disappeared. I'm glad it did because I realized how much it would impact my kids and I want to focus on nothing but my family and that this was the way Heavenly Father intended it to be. We, in our genders, have roles for a reason and even though we live in an evolving world and culture, God's law and intentions do not change.

Friday, November 23, 2012

This week, we learned about the importance of fathers in the home, it got me thinking about what I want for my future family after we had to write the fatherhood paper. I realized that when dating, I now not only need to date someone who love me and be a good husband, but love our children and be an amazing father. That is one of the most important things you can have in your family and now has me rethinking my dating life. That’s what I need to focus on more than things like his income, family, or looks. The other thing we talked about was the importance of finances in our marriage and families. This is a tough subject for me because I think about it a lot and wonder how much of an influence it should have on who I marry. I know that I need to marry someone that is good with finances and makes safe, realistic, and smart decisions with money, especially because I'm not the best at this, but how much money he is going to make should also play a part in my decision. It is realistic to think that the lifestyle that you grew up with will change in marriage and you have to be ready for that. You also have to know that if he makes less money than you are used to that it will be a difficult change. I grew up with money and I am the last child by quite a few years, so I am willing to admit that I am indeed spoiled. I grew up with nice things being important so it's hard for me think that I will have to choose to not have all nice things if I marry someone that makes less money than what I grew up with. So I guess my problem is that I have to decide how much that will effect my marriage and will it put stress on it.I guess this is something that will come up more when I'm dating someone seriously, but it's definitely something that was brought up with this topic this week in class.

Friday, November 16, 2012

This week in class, we talked about how to communicate within our marriages and our families and how we do it effects both of those. We have all heard about how important communication is in our marriages and how it can make or break a marriage. I think people usually assume it's either there or it's not and that's what determines the success of their marriage. This is far from the truth. The key is really how you communicate. Knowing how to argue, and making sure that communication is a priority even when you are busy with work, kids, and other outside influences in your marriage. As members of the church, we also need to remember to keep God in our marriage and the decisions we make. I love all the examples of Brother Williams being blessed by him and his wife involving the Lord in all their decisions. They didn't always know how or why they were to do something, but they knew that it was the will of the Lord and that was all that mattered and they eventually were able to see why it happened they way it did and the blessings that came from it. I think that would have a huge impact on marriages for the good because when a big decision needs to be made there is often a lot of stress and that can influence the way we talk about it or even the decision itself and that could result in bad decisions, but if we involve the Lord, we can have a clear mind, make the decision with good intent, and have it not pull spouses apart, but bring them closer together. As long as we keep respect and love in our marriage when communicating and involve the Lord, there isn't a lot of room for error, and even more room for growth and love.

Friday, November 9, 2012

This week, talking about families under stress and how they deal with them, the first thing that came to mind was Brother Williams and how much his family history played a part in his future family, their trials, stress, and how it helped him through it and prepare for it. When doing family history, he saw a trend of the oldest son in most families died. Even in his immediate family, he had brothers die, so this was something very real to him and close to his heart. I can't speak for him, but I think when he learned that about his family in past generations, it helped him cope with the loss of his brothers and the effect it had on his family. I think it also helped him realize how precious life is and that made him not take his children for granted. I haven’t done a lot of family history myself but I know that it’s something I want to do eventually because the blessings will help me and my future family in ways that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to do. Hearing the stories about what people have learned from doing family history is both inspiring and exciting. In my patriarchal blessing, it says that I will help many people by doing family history and will enjoy it greatly, so that is something I am looking forward to when I have the time and resources to do so.

Friday, November 2, 2012

This week, we only met once so we only had one day to talk about the subject of sexuality. However, it still had a big impact and made me think a lot about how I want to approach this subject with my family in the future. Growing up, our family did not speak anything about sexuality, didn't get "the talk," and it was honestly just an awkward subject that wasn't to be talked about. I want this to be different in my family in the future because our culture today has a very skewed image and interpretation of what sex should be and they plaster their wrong views of it all over the media. It’s in the songs we hear, the shows we watch, and everything we see on the internet. It’s almost impossible to get away from it these days! They teach that it’s all about fun and getting what you want. We know that that is far from the truth. It is about sharing love, becoming one, and being selfless. That is why it is so important to talk to your children about sexuality. Tell them the truth about it so that when they see, hear, and read what the media has to say about it, they know the truth and don’t get wrong ideas in their heads.