Friday, October 5, 2012

This week in class was very eye opening and interesting to me. We talked a lot about how family systems vary, interact, and influence each other. I thought it was interesting because we were able to evaluate our own families and discuss why they are the way they are. It was cool to hear all the other experiences my fellow class mates had as well to broaden our views and start to think about families outside of our own so that in the future, we can help other families that we may be able to relate to very well. Our professor illustrated this well by bringing up students, assigning them roles in a family, and giving them a specific family trial that they were going through, then he gave them counsel with the help of the class. So it was cool to get a little taste of what a family counseling session might look like and be able to start thinking like a marriage and family counselor. It was also cool to see how family systems interact first hand and see it play out through this family and be able to possibly identify what they were doing and why. These family system theories are so importnat and what I've found to be the basis of family counseling.

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