Monday, December 10, 2012

This is the last week of class for us, so we only had one day to talk about this weeks topic. We made a timeline of a persons life and when we would expect normal events to take place. These included birth, development, marriage, children, work, buying a house, children moving out, becoming empty-nesters, becoming grandparents, retirement, serving a couples mission, the death of a spouse, becoming less independent, doing family history work, and death. There were more in between, but those were the ones that I thought were most important. A big topic in our class was how so much happens from birth to about your 30's then things slow down dramatically, and we had trouble coming up with things that happen beyond your 50's. It's interesting because I also had trouble with it and kind of have this idea that nothing really happens after 50 but then I think about my parents and how they are approaching their 60's next year and still have so much going on and so much ahead of them. But I also thought about what great lives they have right now because they have time to focus on things that really matter like family, especially grand children, each other, church involvement, and accomplish things that they have been dreaming of for quite some time now like buying a cabin for our family to come to, travel, do hobbies, and just spoil their children and grand children to death. So our lives are very full from the start to the end, and we just need to enjoy what's happening right now and not worry too much about what's ahead or the past.

Friday, December 7, 2012

This week, we talked about divorce and remarriage. I think I was interested to learn about this subject because I really don't have any personal experience with divorce or remarriage. The only person I really have any connection to divorce with is my best friend back home. Her mom was divorced pretty early on in her marriage when she was fairly young. So her parents aren't divorced from each other, but her mom is divorced. It doesn't effect their family a lot because they are very civil about the divorce, still have contact, and they had a child together that keeps them on good terms and involved. It is a little weird for my best friend to have her sister only be a half sister, but it doesn't interfere with their relationship. Sometimes holidays get a little complicated, but it's nothing huge. So that's really the only experience I have with divorce and remarriage. But I have never really seen or been involve with a bad divorce where things were really complicated so it was interesting for me to learn about it. I think it's so great that Brother Williams has a successful blended family and that you would never even know that they aren't blood related. I know it took a lot of work to get where they were but they are proof that even in the unfortunate even of a divorce, you can recover from it and still have a successful and loving family.